3 min read

What is Best In Class?

What is Best In Class?

This week, we launched Best In Class. After receiving a lot of questions, I wanted to take the time to share more about our vision.

What is Best In Class?

Best In Class is our vision of a valuable use of a high school recruits time and energy. It’s a 2 day training and recruiting event aimed to maximize both of those objectives. It’s our first event that ties in a recruiting and evaluative component into the core player development sessions that FCL was built on.

Our goal with Best In Class is to provide a unique environment that optimizes a player’s training and evaluation. There are many tournaments, showcases, and team events to choose from with many great options that provide significant value in different ways. We are weaving the core principles we believe in, and our method of training, to help players see the value in development in order to make an impact at the school’s they desire to play for.

Why this format?

With Best In Class, we have come up with a format that we feel is going to give coaches a unique chance to see players respond to feedback, make improvements, and demonstrate other intangibles that might not always come out in pure gameplay. For players, it is going to be an exciting opportunity to train and learn in an environment that will push them to be open minded, expand their games, and become better lacrosse players. Our hope is that it will showcase the guys that are drawn to improvement and hard work – the players with the highest trajectory and most likely to excel in their 4 years of collegiate lacrosse.

The best players in college and professionally have developed their games over time. They have committed to the craft and the process of getting better. They love to work, love being coached and they love to compete. We feel Best In Class will only cultivate that feeling. While there will be many talented recruits in attendance, each player will walk away with a firm understanding of strength areas and growth areas. They will understand that their best lacrosse is ahead of them. They will have a plan to attack the process of development. They will lean into fear of failure. Great players want to be coached and put in the work.

Who is on Staff?

The staff we have chosen to execute this format has one common theme. They are all guys who have continued to progress throughout every stage of their career. They not only believe in the principles of hard work, coachability and growth mindset, but they have practiced them for years – leading to their success in the sport of lacrosse. These are the guys who understand how to process feedback, analyze technique and ultimately maximize success. Our staff has walked in the same shoes as our players and will be able to connect beyond the field and the X’s and O’s. Our staff believes in taking care of priorities off the field, as much as on the field, which we hope to pass on to these young men looking to pursue 4 years as a Student-Athlete and beyond.

With partnerships with Goaliesmith Lacrosse, and the Face Off Academy, we couldn’t be more excited with who we have to help develop our players.

What happens after Best In Class?

Players will be provided our FCL Online Training Platform , featuring drills, workouts and film study to help them prep and grow starting in January. They will receive information “Beyond The Lines”, through our partnership with My Position “A” Advising and will be provided resources on and off the field prior to, during and beyond the event. Players and parents will be guided throughout the process as they prepare for 9/01 and beyond.

The Best In Class, while it is an opportunity to be seen and evaluated, is not just a showcase. It is more than a 2 day event. It is a competitive, “get better” environment. It’s an embodiment of the culture we want to put out into the sport of lacrosse. It is an ongoing process in helping our players continue in their journeys to reaching their goals on and off the field in high school, college & beyond. A commitment isn’t the end goal – it is another step in the process. The staff will be there for our players every step of the way, and we can’t wait to get to work!


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