1 min read

Start of Fall Sports

Start of Fall Sports

I'm sure a lot of you watched the NFL opener last night between the Chiefs and Lions like we did!

As football and other fall sports begin across the nation, this is a reminder that being a multi-sport athlete is basically a necessity. 88% of current college athletes played multiple sports in high school (NCSA). 88.9% of NFL players drafted in the 2022 draft played multiple sports in high school (Tracking Football).

So why is playing multiple sports so valuable?

1. Skill crossover

Anywhere you look, there are skill crossovers in different sports. Wide receivers and attackmen use many of the same change of direction footwork to separate from their defenders. A NFL Quarterback throwing a pump fake is like a hitch in lacrosse. Even basketball and lacrosse have similarities (look out for a post today)! You don't even need to play the sport to find skill crossovers - watching other sports can help give you ideas for new things on the lacrosse field!

2. Reduces burnout

Perhaps the most important reason for playing another sport is that it's simply fun. And when you come back to lacrosse, you'll likely feel refreshed (and probably in better shape)!

3. Different competition setting

For most of you, you're one of the best players on your lacrosse team. While that may be the case for other sports, maybe some of you are on the bench or don't see much playing time in your fall sport. And guess what - it's still beneficial! Not only are you getting the necessary skill crossover, but being apart of a different team teaches you to compete and be a good teammate in different settings. This is one of the top reasons college coaches look for multi-sport athletes!

If you're reading this, college lacrosse is likely your ultimate goal and will be the only sport you play at the next level. So enjoy playing a fall sport while you have the opportunity! But still, make sure you're getting the stick in your hands and finding ways to get reps in to keep that edge.


- Coach Dunn


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